01. Introduction



ND035 C04 L01 A00 Intro


Course Outline

In this course, we'll learn about the cross-cutting technologies involved in the security and DevOps of a Java development environment. Here are the main topics we'll explore:

  • Authentication and authorization, and how to implement authentication on a Spring Boot application using a JSON Web token.
  • Fundamental concepts of testing, including how to set, write, and run tests using Junit and Mockito.
  • How to use logging utilities like SLF4J and Log4J to get better insights into your code and debug your applications more easily.

Lesson Outline

In this lesson, we'll cover the essential security concepts of authentication and authorization. Here are the main topics we'll explore:

  • Authentication and why it matters
  • Key considerations of implementing authentication successfully
  • Authentication protection through hashing and salting
  • Authorization and role-based access control is
  • Using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to authenticate